Saturday, August 5, 2006


I am having trouble uploading pictures to the blog today so I will attempt to put them on my blog tomorrow.

We had a very pleasant trip this week to our future home in the Bitterroot Valley in Montana. The day we left on our trip there were 3 forest fires near our home in Washington state. As we neared the little town of Darby, Montana we were surprised to see a large forest fire burning there also!! What a summer this has been. The smoke in the Bitterroot Valley was so thick that it was visible all the way through Idaho on our return trip to Washington State!! The skies west of Spokane were thick with smoke and the radio reported that this was coming from the Methow Valley almost 150 miles away. So we returned to our home to the same thing we had left behind in Montana.

I enjoyed every minute of my time in Montana. Everyone there seems so friendly and happy to hear that we are moving to their area. We attended several farmers markets in the little towns between Darby and Missoula and I was thrilled to see the large numbers of crafts and flowers offered at all of them. And they certainly raise many fabulous veggies there too. So that gives me lot's of ideas and lot's of things to get involved in after we move.

We were able to find a great location for my greenhouse at our new location. And we also found great areas that will allow me to continue to grow my beautiful hostas. And we determined that there is also a place for JW to set up his machine shop very close by. So we are ready for our great move to the state of Montana! And between all of JW's machine shop and ALL of my life's treasures, we will be heading to our new home this summer. Wow, a very huge job lies ahead of us both!! So, please stay tuned as our next adventure begins!!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Girlfriend, I am glad you are back safe and sound, now the huge job of packing begins once again.

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