Friday, April 25, 2008

My pretty Lupines are trying very hard to act like it really is spring here. I can't believe that they can survive such cold temperatures.
This is a deer fence that I had placed around the area that holds my beautiful Tiger Lilies and as you can see it is also trying to protect the Lilies from the ice and snow!

OKAY, I have had enough of this weather during this VERY long winter we are having. As I sit in my wonderful warm home and look out my window, it is once again snowing like it's the 23rd of December! Our true winter started the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and hasn't shown any mercy -- except 2 glorious days two weeks ago. They were almost just a horrible tease of what we are missing.

A few of our weekly walks have been spent in snow storms, high winds, and very icy footing. Of course the horseback riding outings have been put on hold . Riding on icy roads and trails is not much fun nor riding in the wind when the temperature says 25.

And to add to the gloom around here is the view from our south windows. It's a very awesome view looking towards the end of the Bitterroot valley as it turns into the State of Idaho. The mountains are beautiful. And we can always see the storms coming as they move out of the West Fork, Nez Perce area and head our way. But this week the neighbors barn contractor had the roof trusses delivered and it really reinforced to me just how big this barn is going to be. It is being built about 60 feet from our back deck. We will loose our beautiful view of our valley. I guess it's hard on me because the neighbors own 4 beautiful acres but they have chosen to put the barn right next to us. I really like these neighbors so I am trying to be a good neighbor and I am smiling as much as I can!!! Of course the Port-a-Potty out the front window still is an unpleasant sight.

So between the views and the weather I am anxious to get out in the flowers beds and pull weeds instead of shoveling snow! It is amazing that even with a couple of inches falling on my flowers once or twice a week that they still continue to put forth the effort to make their appearance. I have been covering up my Hosta plants that I moved to the deck last fall so that they may survive for another summer. It is wonderful to see that they too, have put on some growth.

So we now have a new project for the screen in our back deck. We enjoy spending a lot of time out there but I do not want to fight the flies while I am eating my lunch or snack there. And with any luck we will be having some sunshine in the near future and I know that will help brighten my attitude and activity levels too. I did take a before photo of the view so when the barn is up I will include it and have a before and after pics to share.

1 comment:

Ginco said...

Hostagirl, I would love to send you a little sunshine but I can't seem to find it.
We've had nothing but rain since the beginning of April - gosh, it throws a body right down into the deepest dungeons of depression. LOL!
I'm sorry that you'll be losing that beautiful view, what a pity the neighbors couldn't build it elsewhere - with soo much space, it can't be such a large problem!?
It's a great pity they didn't consider their nice neighbors :-)

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