My Tiger Lilies are in bloom and are beautiful again. This is my favorite lily that I grow in my garden, and between their bulbs and the seeds they also produce, I can have them in my garden forever. And they last so much farther into the seasons than the other type of lilies that I grow. And of course I will be digging up as many of their bulbs that I can possibly find to transplant into my new garden in Montana.
I am still busy tackling the job of packing my enormous collection of glass vases and of course my wonderful collection of Betty Boop figurines. I thought that if I packed up my collections now that it would certainly make packing up the household goods easier. I have discovered that I do have a lot of treasures!!!! I have been collecting Betty for about 25 years and the paperweight vases for around 1 year. Betty is my first cartoon that I can remember as a child and she has always been very special to me. I have purchased several items for both of my collections on eBay and really enjoy communicating with the sellers about the collections. It's a great place to find new treasures!!
Those Tiger Lilies are wonderful. You have such beautiful photographs on your blog. Well done.
Thank you Ruby for you kind comments!! Please visit anytime!
your tiger lillys are beautiful.
thanks keewee girlfriend!!
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