Sunday, July 23, 2006


This is the challenge that lies ahead of me in my little garden! Believe it or not...My beautiful flowers are in there somewhere and my task in the coming weeks is to find them!!! The biggest hurdle I have to get over is the temperature. It has been climbing up to 106 degrees in the afternoons for the last several days and our weatherman doesn't seem to think there is any relief in the next week. Great!

Because of the heat I have been putting lot's of water on my struggling garden. The plants have responded well but so have those horrible weeds. I have been going out to the garden about 6am each morning to pull some of the weeds, spending about an hour and a half before the heat forces me back inside to find the wonderful cool air of my fan!

So, this is a chore that will take me awhile to complete. But I must say, I am very thankful to be back to our little home. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed my home and yard until we had gone away. IT IS WONDERFUL TO BE HOME!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Looks as though you are going to be busy with weed pulling for quite a while.

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